Welcome to the Latinx Student Cultural Center (LSCC). The LSCC community at Northeastern is a familia (family) of students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends. Our primary mission is the academic success of students and providing an environment and space that is inclusive and enriching for all.

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Are you registered to vote? Do you want text or email updates about upcoming elections? Whether or not you are registered, TurboVote can help you register to vote, send you important reminders, and assist you with receiving absentee
ballots. It’s free and easy to use, so sign up with Northeastern Turbo Vote today!

The LSCC’s Statement on Black Lives Matter

The LSCC wants to acknowledge the epidemic of racism that persists as we sit in our homes processing and coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. As we know, and many in our communities have experienced, this racism manifested through a system that has historically oppressed black and brown people in this country is not new. This disease has been part of the black, brown, and POC community and experience for centuries. We stand in solidarity with the many voices of dissent and carry the burden of the pain of those who are directly experiencing these incidents. You are not alone, we see you and stand alongside you.

The LSCC acknowledges and condemns anti-blackness and racism within our own Latino|a|x community. It is destructive and divisive. It breeds othering and white supremacy within our community and families. We also condemn and are sickened by the actions of racist law enforcement, including those who are Latino|a|x, and those who are complicit with their silence. Our community is deeply rooted in colonialism and continues to perpetuate anti-black and racist narratives that must be continuously called out and eradicated.

-LSCC Staff

Latinx Student Cultural Center

Orgullo. Cultura. Familia.

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