/ Latinx Alumni Social!

Latinx Alumni Social!

April 28, 2022
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us for a night of fun and (lots of) food at the renowned Doña Habana! Co-hosted with LSCC staff, come to learn about their amazing work while enjoying a night in a little slice of Cuba. See faces old and new, and reconnect over your beverage of choice. There is a registration fee of $5. $1 of the cost of your ticket will benefit future alumni programming. Make sure to RSVP here:  Alumni Social RSVP.

April 28, 2022
6:00 PM-8:00 PM ET 

Doña Habana
11 Melnea Cass Boulevard Boston, MA 02119

Matt Frentz
Assistant Director, Affinity & Domestic Engagement