Professional Development

Students engage in experiential learning through on campus and off campus professional experiences that seek to increase their network and prepare them for their future careers.


Latinx Accessing Their Intellect through Networking and Exchange (L.A.T.I.N.X.) is the brand for any professional development opportunities offered through the LSCC. In order to provide thoughtful, experiential, and diverse opportunities, the LSCC works with Employer Engagement and Career Design, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, the John D. O’Bryant African American Institute, and other campus partners.

B.L.A.C.K./L.A.T.I.N.X. Immersion Program

Hosted by The Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, the John D. O’Bryant African American Institute, and the Latinx Student Cultural Center, the B.L.A.C.K./L.A.T.I.N.X. Immersion Program is a cohort style, three day experience that includes off-campus site visits, professional development workshops and career planning tailored to the emerging Black and Latinx professional interested in acquiring skills to navigate and move up in the workplace.


Caminos, pathways to careers, is an extension of L.A.T.I.N.X. created for students to meet up-close and in-person with Latinx professionals to talk about careers paths and tips. Caminos includes a professional career panel with Q&A, dinner and networking.

PODER First-Gen Program

What is PODER?

In Spanish, the word poder means “power” but it’s also a verb that means “can” or “be able to” – like ¡Sí se puede! (Yes we can!)

PODER aims to give first-generation Latinx students the power to take control over their transition into Northeastern and give them the strength to succeed throughout their journey. Through one-on-one mentor-mentee relationships, social events, retreats, and workshops PODER students learn the mechanics of a successful Northeastern experience while fostering a sense of community (familia) that they can turn to.


  • Be an incoming student at Northeastern University (whether freshmen or transfer) who identifies as a first-generation Latinx student regardless of sexuality, immigration status, gender/gender expression, and or ability, etc.

Work Study Positions

Office Assistant


  • Greet and assist all visitors to the LSCC
  • Assist with LSCC marketing
  • Assist with events, programs and meetings set-up and clean-up
  • Coordinate security of LSCC including keys & locking/securing building at the end of shift 
  • Serve as LSCC representative, as needed

Applications are currently closed

Social Media Manager


  • Update/maintain/ post/share LSCC social media accounts, including content, photos, etc.
  • Responds to posts, comments, tweets, etc.
  • Post Northeastern news and announcements in a timely manner
  • Grow/increase subscribers, followers, tags, likes. etc.

Applications are currently closed

Website Administrator


  • Advance experience and knowledge in Web development, including software/programming languages, such as HTML, College Press and WordPress
  • Update/create website content and design as directed
  • Adhere to university policy on web design
  • Knowledge of Digital and image editing
  • Aware of latest software and technology trends
  • Ability to both work as part of a team and independently

Applications are currently closed

Self-Authored Integrated Learning (SAIL) is an approach to learning that allows learners to track their development of their personal and professional skills, while reflecting on their learning journey. SAIL teaches learners to find value in every experience by assisting them in extracting tangible skills from these opportunities. Additionally, SAIL can assist learners in identifying further opportunities that teach skills in areas where they may need growth.

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